Machinery corrosion and other industrial issues
In many factories or other industrial and automation / robotic areas, machinery is what keeps your business alive.
However, the most durable equipment is usually made of metal, and when combined with moist environments or exposed to harsh chemicals, metal can rust quickly.
A quick spray of Corrosion Block fluid or an application of grease can prevent corrosion for up to 12 months.
Read below to hear how our customers are using our products to protect their equipment:
Read below to hear how our customers are using our products to protect their equipment:
Reviving An Old Welding Machine.
"I have a very old NAPA brand "cracker box" welding machine. This was the best welding cracker box I've ever used. I was a welder for years so that's not said lightly. It stopped working about five years ago. I threw it onto a scrap pile on my farm. A couple of weeks ago I had a guy collecting all the scrap to haul to the recycling center. He saw the old machine and told me that there was really not much to go wrong with it since it was just a big transformer. No moving parts except the little cooling fan on top. He fixed the switch and sure enough the machine still works. Unfortunately it puts out very little amperage. I can't weld anything with it. It looks like the core of the transformer is corroding and separating the laminated metal sheets. That's when I thought of Corrosion Block. I haven't used it in years. My plan is to just soak the whole thing down and give it a few days. I'll update you if it revives the old machine."
Researching Moisture Induced Electrical Failures
"Most electrical failures that we deal with in the plant are water/moisture induced. I'm still in the "research" stage but so far "bench testing" dielectric corrosion inhibitors to protect electrical components at 480VAC looks promising. If your interested I have a poor quality video of the effects. CB was in the top 5 performers. When I finish what I'm looking into, I'll try and make a better quality video. I'm hoping CB performs as well the second time around as it is H2 rated for food plant use and the 4oz. spray is ideal to carry in the plants when work is being performed."
Machinery Protection
"My home machine shop is in a garage that goes through large temperature swings throughout the year. Condensation builds up on the lathe ways and mill table. I can literally watch it rust when the temperature changes. I need something that protects the bare metal surfaces but doesn't leave a tacky finish so that I can walk in and use it when I need to without scrubbing the machine every time."
Terminal Protection
"We provide a machine for the paper industry that requires daily cleanup. Due to the harsh wash down some sensor connections are subject to wash water which can be a mixture of corrosive chemicals mixed in with plain water leading to sensor,connector and cable failures. I'm looking forward to seeing the long term results."
Rv Servicing
"Works fantastically on machined aluminum parts! Tow bar connections, compartment door latches, generator connections, etc. General application to electrical connections reverses corrosion effects, prevents it, and stops parasitic voltage leakage - a real problem with units that sit outside for long periods. "
Protecting CNC Deck
"We are using Corrosion Block to keep both our CNC milling machines decks from corrosion from the water based coolant we use on our aluminum drilling operation. Our decks look brand new with no sign of corrosion or wear. We apply 1-2 times a week depending on amount of drilling on the machines. "
Protecting Snow Machine
"I partially sank a snow machine in salt water overflow and I am using Corrosion Block to spray everything down to neutralize any salt water issues. I'm taking all the connectors apart and spraying them as well. I know how excellent corrosion block is from working on a commercial fishing boat."
Grease Bearings For Water And Wastewater Aerators
"We manufature aerators for water and wastewater treatment. Temkin fills their lubricators with Corrosion Block grease for our application. We fill our pillow block bearings with CB prior to adding the lubricators. We sell our products nationally and internationally."
Machine Tables
"We have machine tools in a non air conditioned shop in Houston. We are looking to protect the bare metal parts on these machines. This is true but we really want to see how well it works on our boat. It lives at a marina in Galveston. "
We Are A Manufacturer Of High Capacity Aerators For Wastewater Treatment In
"We are using Corrosion Block to lubricate our bearing on the Airmaster Aerators. We ship the Corrosion Block grease to Temkin to fill their lubricators to be used on our equipment."
Rusty Bolts
"We have rusty carbon steel bolts on stainless flanges, to prevent any further rusting we are going to spray the corrosion block on the bolts and flange."
Marine Electronic Equipment
"We grow marine fish and are using corrosion block to protect circuitry that maintains the pH of our culture systems."
Rsty Machinery Frames
"We are using this product to clean and preserve steel machinery frames to be placed in a power plant."
Protecting My Machinery
"Use it to keep my machinery from rusting in oregon climate. it can be quite a chore. Thanks"
Lubricating Paper Mill Equiment
"Lubricating Paper Mill Equiment"